The boat is a live thing, she leaps to the wind.
You pull in the mainsheet, and she pulls back
Slip the mooring, feel her heel
Head out through the basin on the starboard tack
There’s good days and there’s bad days
And there’s wind and chop and squalls
But a day on the water’s better than a day on land
Any day at all
Sailing, sailing
My troubles disappear
Sailing opens the eyes of my heart
And helps my soul to hear
I’ve been close hauled on the starboard tack
Black wind sign on the crawl
Knowing we have to get sail in
Before we’re hit by the squall

Fair days on a broad reach
A chuckle of laughter from the bow
Light winds out of the southeast

Rejoicing in the fierce beauty of now

Crossed the lake, 30 miles straight
Rain and wind, with a lingering fog
Made our landfall by sunset
Just in time to write up the log
Sailing, sailing
My troubles disappear
Sailing opens the eyes of my heart
And helps my soul to hear
The boat is a live thing, she leaps to the wind.
You pull in the mainsheet, and she pulls back
Slip the mooring, feel her heel
Head out through the basin on the starboard tack