If you’re done with inequity
poverty and hate
Come away, come away, come away
To Norway
Acceptance, sustainability, thrift
Are national traits
Come way, come away, come away
To Norway
In Norway, no one’s poor
In Norway, no one’s rejected
In Norway, oil riches are saved
In Norway, all are respected
Breitvik tore a hole in the country
A hole that’s never been filled
Cry away, cry away, cry away
In Norway
But we will carry on forgiving
As the good Lord willed
Cry away, cry away, cry away
In Norway
In Norway, booze costs a bundle
In Norway, gas costs too much
In Norway, we keep our air clean
In Norway, the King has the common touch
In Saudi, Alberta and Venezuela too
They sold out their oil, and kept nothing aside
Not here, not here, not here
In Norway
We saved and saved and saved and invested it
Now we’re the richest people worldwide
Here, here, here
In Norway
In Norway, no one’s poor
In Norway, no one’s rejected
In Norway, oil riches are saved
In Norway, all are respected