It was just an ordinary Quebec blizzard
10 below Fahrenheit and 25 knots
Of blustery winds and no traffic
The drifts were calling the shots
I was stuck in Waterloo
Had to get to Brome
A distance of about 15 miles
And that would get me home
10 PM, 16 years old
I called mum from a payphone
I asked if there was any chance
She’d come out. There was none
So I bundled up my parka
Laced my pants inside my boots
Ate some snow to quench my thirst
And stoically hit the route
It wasn’t easy going.
The snow was two feet deep
But the effort kept me warm
And I wasn’t going to sleep
Like they say you do in the cold
To pass the time I started to sing, oh
All the rounds and lays I knew
Like Pear Tree and Green Grow
It took about 4 hours to get home
Going was slow at best
But I made it home by 2 AM
I seem to have survived the test
My mother was incredulous next day
“You walked home through that hell?
You should have gone to the police
I’m sure they’d have given you a cell”
It was just an ordinary Quebec blizzard
10 below Fahrenheit and 25 knots
Of blustery winds
That blew the snow into knots