I know a scallywag
A reiver and a bum
A good old friend
As old as they come

I met him forty years ago
On a hill in southern Quebec
He grew up in Northern Vermont
Where there wasn’t much corn to peck

I helped him build his house
With stones and beams so big
It took the two of us
To get some of them rigged

He threw a stag for me
Something I didn’t need
He brought whores instead of strippers
He knew where that would lead

He’s lived in the same village
For years and years and years
He sold his house and moved to town
Because he was in arrears

From all the DUIs he’d racked up
It was safer to live where he drank
So he got a flat over the library
He could stumble home when he stank

The Pub is right across the road
It’s handy to his home
He can stumble out the door
And go to bed, usually alone

He still lives above the library
Across the street from the bar
It’s been 30 years now
And I don’t think he’ll go far

I know a scallywag
A reiver and a bum
A good old friend
As old as they come